Omegle is a website that allows you to anonymously talk to a stranger, one on one, instantly. If you get bored with one person, you can disconnect then start a new conversation. I will be making a small book of the conversations I have with these people. Here are a few:
Stranger: hi
You: Hi
Stranger: how are you??
You: Gooooooood!!
You: How are you??
Stranger: i'm fine! tnks!
Stranger: why is it so good?
You: Because I am so wasted!
Stranger: ??
You: I drank a bottle of water and it gave me a head rush
Stranger: okay? how did water make you wasted?
You: I drank the water in fast motion. Like fast upward drinking.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.You: Sup
Stranger: hi
You: Don't you love eating black olives
You: Why does everyone hate olives?
Stranger: it's green
You: It's like eating baby orcha whale eggs
You: it's green? what are you refering to.
You: you can't just throw that non-sequitor out and expect me to understand
Your conversational partner has disconnected.You: I collect Bees, I'm 37 years old, divorced twice, female, and i don't like talking.
Stranger: wow i'm SOOOOOOOOOOO into you right now
You: good. now pipe down. my stories are on.
You have disconnected.You: I think I know about things better than you do
You: We've both decided that on many occasions haha lol :)
You: like remember the Grand Cayon trip?
You: and you said no it's totally legal to hit and run
You: and then came the lawyers
You: and there went the trust fund
Stranger: u are wrong
Stranger: i am not that guy u met before
You: Oh yeah? Well is THIS your card?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.You: tell me your life story in 30 seconds
You: go
Stranger: 30 seconds
Stranger: born, grew up, went to school, got a job...
Stranger: had some good time, some bad times
You: ok that was way more detail than I bargained for.
You: Here's mine:
You: Life. end.
You: boom
You: just like that
Stranger: only lived in one country, several provinces
You: whoa whoa whoa
You: you had your story time
Stranger: I suspect the "end" part of your story is premature
Stranger: unless...
You: yep
You: dead
Stranger: you're a ghost!!!
You: it's true.
You: so want to know what it's like on the other side?
Stranger: not really, i like suspense
Stranger: one question. do you need to use an actual keyboard or are you part of the internets?
You: i am the internet. that is the other side.
You: also internet
s? plural? really?
You have disconnected.