Sunday, June 28, 2009

Franklin D. Roosevelt Saves Ferris

Detroit: Lots of humans want to save it somehow but not a single jagoff knows how to even begin. So Franklin Belvadere Roosevelt steps in to save the day. He calls Obama a wuss. Obama’s secret service try to advance on his majesty and FDR was not about to hear that. Basically, at this point, you should understand that something happens that just basically allows FDR to pull a “FDR” on everyone and just re-re-re-elect himself as president for infinity.

So after the all the usurping happened, FDR told Detroit that he would make them like a million dollars a second if they would only just listen. The thing that always works is making a movie that makes so much money and pays for the schools. In honor of the schools, he decided to make a sequel to Ferris Bueller’s Day Off called FDRSF (FDR Saves Ferris) in which FDR saves Ferris from his fake illness by giving him a stern talking to.

No one saw the movie because christian groups protested the movie’s production staff’s use of condoms in their personal lives. After analyzing the situation, Frank had a plan. He employed millions of illegal growers to turn Detroit into a medical weed state.

So many hippies moved there that it smelled like crap. The trash built up and created a syphilis/plague hybrid. FDR said, “Bama,” and he tagged Obama in. Obama stood on top of the trash heap and his tie was flapping around in the wind and the song “Holy Diver” was playing in the background. Obama waved his hand over the land and Starbucks grew out of the ground and hybrid dealerships sprung up on every corner. Then the ghost of FDR appeared at the end and Obama looked at him and then the ewoks danced around and played bongos.

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